Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Long live Minimal Intervention Dentistry!

We profusely agree with Dr. Richard Greenberg, the great Columbia professor of restorative dentistry who famously said: a good dentist isn't impossible to find!

There may be many practitoners who lie through their teeth and give patients 'lifelong' teething problems, but yes, a good dentist isn't impossible to find! 

We have found one in India, Gururaj Arakeri MDS, Ph.D,  a competent Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon, revered professor, committed grassroots activist, and compulsive poet - all rolled in one unassuming individual.  However, for the person seated on the dental chair, he is a friendly neighbourhood Samaritan who extracts stress and anxiety without fail, whether or not accompanied by any tooth extraction 😁  

Dr. Gururaj is a towering thought leader and a genuine practitoner of minimal intervention dentistry. He sinks his teeth into his job, unflinchingly focused on the exact need and steering clear of any hype or lofty promise and his incredibly holisitic approach to oral health consulting is aimed at boosting your overall health ...and peace of mind. 

Whether in fillings or prosthetics, maintaining the maximum possible dental structure is such an intricate, pivotal and largely thankless job and we are sure there are many more like Dr. Gururaj across the globe. May their tribe grow!